Sunday, July 1, 2012

Practical Christianity

I read today about Otto von Bismarck.  He was the German Chancellor, a conservative, who created the first universal healthcare program in the world.  That was in 1883.  He called his program "practical Christianity."  He also initiated a disability insurance for workers and old-age pensions.  It is possible to be a conservative and think of the welfare of the working man.  However, I have discovered that conservatives talk about patriotism but don't act in the interest of national health and welfare.  Putting Americans health and welfare before individual, singular welfare is patriotic.  The following was implemented in Germany 140 years ago: 
Health Insurance Bill of 1883
The first bill that had success was the Health Insurance bill, which was passed in 1883. The program was considered the least important from Bismarck's point of view, and the least politically troublesome. The program was established to provide health care for the largest segment of the German workers. The health service was established on a local basis, with the cost divided between employers and the employed. The employers contributed 1/3, while the workers contributed 2/3s . The minimum payments for medical treatment and Sick Pay for up to 13 weeks were legally fixed. The individual local health bureaus were administered by a committee elected by the members of each bureau, and this move had the unintended effect of establishing a majority representation for the workers on account of their large financial contribution.
I have heard many Americans call the Affordable Healthcare Initiative socialism.  Bismarck was never a socialist--he was a staunch conservative.  But he was also very patriotic and saw that by helping the working  people--who were the backbone of the country--he was doing what was best for Germany.  He called it practical Christianity.
What many conservatives want to get rid of is what they call Obamacare. This is the Affordable Healthcare Initiative that gives Americans affordable access to healthcare.  Just like in Bismarck's Germany, the insured has to pay for the insurance.  Patriotism has a different face in 2012 America. It's patriotic to think of the health of you fellow countrymen and women and for those of you who believe in Christ. . . its practical Christianity.
Wear your red, white and blue proudly. . . be a patriot, not a hypocrite.